Title: In Lieu of Kindness Notes: Original characters belong to Zephuu. Discontinued at her request. Summary: The bruises we leave on each other all fade away, but the changes we make are the steps we take towards the future.
Title: In Lieu of Kindness Notes: Original characters belong to Zephuu. Summary: The bruises we leave on each other all fade away, but the changes we make are the steps we take towards the future.
Title: In Lieu of Kindness Notes: Original characters belong to Zephuu. Summary: The bruises we leave on each other all fade away, but the changes we make are the steps we take towards the future.
Title: In Lieu of Kindness Notes: Original characters belong to Zephuu. Summary: The bruises we leave on each other all fade away, but the changes we make are the steps we take towards the future.
Title: In Lieu of Kindness Notes: Original characters belong to Zephuu. Summary: The bruises we leave on each other all fade away, but the changes we make are the steps we take towards the future.
Title: In Lieu of Kindness Notes: Original characters belong to Zephuu. Summary: The bruises we leave on each other all fade away, but the changes we make are the steps we take towards the future.
Title: In Lieu of Kindness Notes: Original characters belong to Zephuu. Summary: The bruises we leave on each other all fade away, but the changes we make are the steps we take towards the future.